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Support Our Soldiers

Our current soldier:
Senior Master Sergeant Joseph Laursen
Joe has been in the Air Force since July 1987 and is presently stationed in a small country above Afganistan. He is married with three children.
A team of Altrusans recently collected supplies to ship to Joseph. We boxed up 10 boxes of goods that were shipped to our soldier. It was noted that Mt. Zion Baptist Church donated 30 handmade pillowcases to the effort. Thank you, Mt. Zion. The packages arrived shortly after Thanksgiving.

Our 2011 Soldier:   LCpl. James Hardin

Our club's goal was to "adopt" and support a soldier away on combat duty.

We have a wonderful soldier in Afghanistan to support: LCpl. James Hardin and his wife Aubrey, who was expecting a baby in late November 2012. When the boxes were filled and ready to mail, we had a total of 12 boxes to ship overseas. The platoon in Afghanistan were overwhelmed with the goodies, clothes, cards and notes.

We also sent his wife and the baby donations received at our Christmas party on December 6th. We're thrilled they had a wonderful Christmas thanks to the generous spirits of all members of Altrusa of Waynesville, NC.

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