ALTRUSA of Waynesville NC
Produce monthly newsletter
Produce annual updated yearbook
Keep promotional brochures updated
Produce new brochures as needed
Produce materials for special projects as requested
Be responsible for the club’s archives
Forward items to the District Service Bulletin editor
Organize publicity for club activities
Update social media and website as needed
Keep the club up to date concerning any changes from the Bylaws, Resolutions, and Recommendations Committee
Work with the president to produce a club evaluation form
Keep updated member profiles for press items and yearbook
General items:
Be familiar with the Club, District and International Long Range/Strategic Plan. Study the functions of this committee as it relates to these plans.
Organize a presentation for at least one program meeting per year
Actively seek articles for the newsletter from all members
Obtain new member profiles for the yearbook and newsletter
Annual planning meeting for the committee to be scheduled
Ad hoc meetings as needed
Oral committee report to be presented to membership at the Business Meeting each month
Submit monthly update to Newsletter Editor with committee activities and accomplishments
Budget to the board of directors by June 30
Awards - prepare and submit relevant awards to President by deadlines -
- Newsletter award
- Todd Jordan Yearbook award
- Club Website award