ALTRUSA of Waynesville NC
Identify creative ways of attracting new members
Organize a membership drive
Develop an orientation program
Develop a new member mentor program
Initiate new members
Develop new initiation programs
Develop membership goals and action steps
Submit updates verbally at business meetings and to the newsletter editor
Make sure all paperwork is correctly filled out and dues from new members submitted to the treasurer.
Develop and update existing membership recruitment materials
Assist with coordination of the installation of the board with a theme
Revise the membership procedures, as needed
Work with the Strategic Planning Committee to develop membership goals and action steps
Be familiar with the Club, District and the International Long Range/Strategic Plan.
2nd Vice President has assumed responsibilities for Altrusa Accent
Meet annually to form committee plan and budget
Meet as needed on an ad hoc basis
Submit at least one program idea for a program meeting
Conduct an annual re-orientation meeting in September