ALTRUSA of Waynesville NC
The duties of the Boards of Directors in all Altrusa clubs are very specific and are outlined in the Encyclopedia. They are:
• Determine club Policies in line with Local, District, and International Bylaws.
• Transact all club business otherwise assigned.
• Act upon all recommendations for membership.
• Supervise club activities.
• Fill vacant Offices between elections.
• Grant leaves of absence.
• Determine causes for, and initiate plans to correct, excessive member loss, and low attendance.
• Designate a place to deposit club funds.
• Approve expenditures of funds.
• Provide for the bonding of the treasurer(s) at club expense.
• Provide for annual audit of club books including Club Foundation if applicable.
• Advise club members of Board actions through the club newsletter and club meetings.
• For good cause, declare any Office vacant.
• Recommend the Operating and Service Budgets to the membership for approval.
A well prepared Board will have no difficulty executing these duties and moving the club forward. Members will also experience a sense of growth and understanding of Altrusa.
The board meets monthly - usually on the first Tuesday of the month from 11:15 AM - 12:00 PM prior to the Business Meeting
Board members have access to meeting minutes and other documents with a password-protected area on the website located here.
The committee chairs assume responsibility for programming.
The Vice President assumes responsibility for presenting the Altrusa Accent and banners/flags.